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Old 09-05-2016, 03:40 PM
Jane Quilter
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Originally Posted by lots2do View Post
Oh, Jane...I really do applaud you, first: for your determination to solve this problem, second: for your humor in writing about your trials and tribulations, and thirdly: for making such a lovely quilt. I hope looking at it makes you smile now in spite of the marking pen induced trauma you endured. (What quilt are you going to make your daughter now? )...
She is going to get the crumb quilt that I have been putting together out of an old winding ways disaster. Now there was a quilt I couldn't fix, so I am repurposing that puppy into a crumb quilt by cutting it up into smaller pieces and putting it back together. Did I just confess to another quilt disaster? Sorry. I really do have some quilts that have turned out just fine.....but they all are an adventure!
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