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Old 09-20-2016, 04:17 AM
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Katy, Texas
Posts: 28

I have been sewing/quilting/crafting almost every day since I retired at the end of the school year and loving it! No schedule, but I have started making some lists of things I would like to accomplish as I keep getting distracted with new ideas I find here and other places online! I retired mainly due to health issues- breathing problems due to pulmonay fibrosis- and I refer to my quilting and other projects as my therapy! (I reconnected with my crafty side during my medical leave last year and I credit all my projects-even bought a loom to start weaving!- with keeping me from going insane and helping me regain enough strength to return to work to finish out the school year.)
I'm not able to do as much housework as I need (my wonderful DH has taken over many of these chores!) but it does free up a lot of time for sewing/quilting projects. Some days I don't make it upstairs to the sewing room, but I keep a lot of hand sewing projects like EPP and cross-stitch downstairs so I can sit and stitch.
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