Old 11-12-2016, 06:31 PM
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Carol in WI, I didn't say anything at first because you don't have to go with olive greens if you'd rather substitute lime greens instead... but what I see with your purples is that the lights and darks all run together. Not much contrast. To "see" your color values, look at them (or your photo of them) and squint. Squinting will help you see your colors in terms of dark and light. The darks will jump out at you and the lights will fade out. Squinting at your purples I see only two that are darks, three that are lights, and the rest are in the medium range somewhere.

Also (and this may blow your circuits), that small bundled piece on the top of your green pile is actually a neutral. It has a white background and will "read" as a white. Squint at your greens and you'll see what I mean.

I don't want to make this any harder than it needs to be, just offering these comments because you asked. But actually you can use any colors anywhere and get a pretty quilt... just may not have some of the optical effects Bonnie intended. Don't get discouraged.
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