Thread: Delima
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Old 12-04-2016, 04:11 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Default Delima

I have a delima and am seeking your thoughts / suggestions.

I currently have a Janome 1100se (sewing & embroidery combo machine) she weights about 65 lbs. I use her strictly for embroidery. I have a chance to sell her and get a Janome 500E (embroidery only) she weighs just 35 lbs.
Pros and cons:
1100se. Heavier than the 500E
1100se will fit in a tutto case I already have - 500E requires a special case (additional price) because of the design
I can sell my 1100 and only have to pay about $ 250 more for the 500E (no this is not an issue)
11000 I can not embroidery as big of a design as the 500e will emb WITHOUT splitting the design by moving hoop and fabric)
Both use USB & or flash drives
1100 is about 5 years old (no problems with it) 500E is brand new

Lol after seeing it all in print it basically boil down to is the design size differnce between the two and the 500e is lighter . But no, I don't carrying the 11000 around a lot either. Sometimes it's just good to see it all written down. Thanks ladies, for 'listening'
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