Thread: Lettuce crisper
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Old 12-08-2016, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by kellen46 View Post
Here is a trick I learned eons ago....does anyone do this before putting lettuce away? take the lettuce stemside down and give it a good bang on the countertop. This will loosen the whole stem system, you can then pull out the stem and there will be a hole in the bottom of the lettuce. Now store it away in your preferred manner, losing the stem helps keep the lettuce fresh for a longer time.
I sold Tupperware for 10 years, last century. After we took out the center core, we filled the lettuce head with HOT water. Not so hot to hurt your hand, but very warm. Drain immediately. Lettuce freshens up this way and keeps longer. And it doesn't need to go into the crisper. That bowl IS the crisper.

That being said, I do not buy iceberg lettuce. It really doesn't have much nutritional value. I buy only romaine lettuce.
Romaine lettuce has much more nutrition and keeps much longer just in a plastic bag. Once I was on a trip for two weeks, and came back and ate my lettuce that had been in the refrigerator for all that time.

I use my lettuce crisper for other things, now.
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