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Old 12-29-2016, 04:11 AM
NJ Quilter
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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For dark fabrics I use the Bohin mechanical pencil with a white 'lead'. For light fabrics I use a regular mechanical pencil with #2 lead. Occasionally I have issues with that but not often (only a problem when I change my mind!). Usually a bit of dish soap and some light scrubbing on those areas will take care of the problem. I've also used the graphite and other colored leads in a thicker mechanical pencil (came as a kit) that I picked up in JoAnns years ago. Sorry - don't remember the brand but I know they still carry them. Usually found with the other notions. That graphite lead I had zero issues with.

I've never had much luck with the Roxanne pencils - the lead keeps breaking off and I like/need a sharp point on my marking pencils. I've tried a bunch of different marking tools and the above are what I have found to work for me.
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