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Old 01-08-2017, 07:49 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Yesterday while it was snowing and the wind was howling I once again upgraded my sewing area by taking apart a jury-rigged "table" that I had made using a piece of wood that was laying over some stacked crates at one end, and one of those old revolving cd carousel racks at the other (needless to say it was not very sturdy and couldn't be used for anything other than being another horizontal space to stack stuff on. I replaced it with a real table that I made using the piece of wood from the jury-rigged table and some adjustable legs that I got off of eBay. It was super easy, and now I have a table that can actually be used for sewing or cutting. It looks a lot better too.

Earlier this week I organized the fabric that came out of my grandmother's house. There are also a bunch of patterns dating from the early 50's through the mid 80's that need to be sorted. Most of the fabric is home dec, but I can use a lot of it in my art pieces since grandma favored solids over prints. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with it.

Not sure what to do with the patterns, there are a lot of them and from what I can tell without actually opening the envelopes a lot of them are uncut. Since they're mostly clothing patterns they are not things I would use, but at the same time, I don't want to just toss them either.

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