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Old 03-13-2017, 08:03 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 58

Originally Posted by Homespun
I agree. I have a Husqvarna Viking Mega Quilter on a Grace frame. I just practiced and practiced. usually meander and do loops and have learned a few other things. I don't like the close quilting. I want to be able to cuddle under my quilts.
That's my issue with some of the FMQ tutorials I've watched. I am not so much interested in an "art project." Not that I dislike art quilts or modern quilts, but I am really just interested in making usable quilts right now. I consider myself an advanced beginner to quilting and piecing. When I was offered this set-up from a family member, I excitedly said, "HECK YES I'LL TAKE IT!" As we began the moving process, I immediately thought, "WHAT THE HECK HAVE I DONE?!" LOL

Thanks to all your responses! Do any of you have any books you would recommend? Or should I just stick with YouTube and jump in?? ��
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