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Old 03-13-2017, 04:17 PM
NJ Quilter
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Originally Posted by farmquilter View Post
Onebyone, that is fantastic about your friend, good for her. Sure would like to know more about her 'way of eating' for better health. We all can use a little boost in the right direction to eat better.
I suspect this is much like what I (try to) refined flour; no refined sugar. Natural starches and sugars are fine. This plan was developed by Dr. Peter Gott (since deceased). He was a gereontologist (sp) and developed this for his senior patients - many of whom were on countless meds including differing forms of insulin. Many of them, after following this plan, were able to greatly reduce or eliminate their meds including diabetic meds.

When I strictly followed this, I lost about 65 lbs in just over a year. We all need to remember that we didn't put on the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight. But within a couple of months I had lost probably close to 20 lbs. The balance came off more slowly - which is the way you want to lose weight! We also need to remember we need to change our eating habits in general - not just go on a diet. Long term is the answer.

I've been a bit lax over the last couple of years and have put back about 20 lbs. I'm also less active than I was when I first started (no longer working full time). I'm trying to get back into the strict habit.
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