Thread: HQ Avante
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Old 03-30-2017, 07:56 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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Congrats! I have HQ16 with pcquilter (used), and am very happy with the combination.

The suggestion that I will make with regard to the computerized quilting is that you take your time learning how to use it. If you try to understand every feature all at once, it's kind of like trying to swallow a whale whole. So take it slow, learn a feature or two and then learn another.

One thing I find difficult is measuring the distance between the start point of one row of quilting and the start point of another. If the quilting pattern is straight across, it's pretty easy. However, if the quilt pattern is wavy or chevron, it's more difficult to figure out. There may be info available on how to do it accurately, but if there is I haven't found it yet.

One last suggestion - make sure your frame is squared up before you do your first quilt. If it's not, your row will slant up or down no matter how careful you are to measure and get the quilt top on the frame straight. I learned that the hard way!
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