Old 05-03-2017, 03:18 PM
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Peckish - I have a long coat german shepherd. I bring her into Rona because she loves the smells. She's not a "massive" dog (65 pounds), and she is VERY WELL behaved and EXCEPTIONALLY trained. (I invested many thousands of hours working with her!!!! She's a fabulous dog!)

She does NOT however tolerate obnoxious dogs in her face, regardless of size.

We were in Rona one day and we're just walking around looking (sniffing) and the staff are coming up to say hi, and pet her, and suddenly we come around the corner and there are three small dogs on those ever-loving flexi leashes. They went NUTS. Barking, snarling, snapping, growling.

I just pivoted real fast and walked the other way. They are now following us - pulling the owner towards us. I stopped, put my dog in a sit/stay, dropped the leash and walked up towards her and her dogs. I grabbed the three leashes in my hand, looked up at her and said - the by-law states 6-foot leash - not 18. Leash your dogs, or my dog will teach yours a lesson.

I walked back to my dog, called her to a heel, and we walked around the corner. Only when we turned the corner did I pick up her leash (yes, I admit, I was "bragging and showing off a bit!)

My point was this - I can control my 65-pound dog with ease, and you can't control 3 dogs under 10 pounds each? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Funnily enough, she was told to leave the store - when she tried to explain that her dogs didn't like big dogs, they said too bad - her dog is trained, and never makes a sound.

It was a "feel good" moment for me (I have to admit it), but I have worked VERY hard to have a fabulous, wonderful dog that I can bring anywhere, and be confident of her ability to just sit quietly and enjoy life!
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