Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 05-14-2017, 05:20 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Happy Mother's Day to all

Janice have had the same quandary as you multiple times and have finally decided just to go with my gut feelings. If I don't like it I never will. Good luck on deciding what to do

Joan ouch on your finger

I have 2 sets of fabric for next boom ready to go. 1 is assorted florals from my stash that need to be used and second is a super fun and bright fabric, black bo and bright colored flowers and peace designs. Kass your fabric sounds very fun

We went out on the pontoon for about 3 hours yesterday, absolutely beautiful here but. Talk about dumb. Had motion sickness the rest of the evening sure hope that was just a fluke
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