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Old 05-21-2017, 08:35 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
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[QUOTE=petthefabric;7828175]The guild show is behind me. Have a group project-quick. Then a commission quilting. Deadlines keep me focussed. THEN, CLEAN UP THAT ROOM. Everything has a place, but the "place" is empty. And in the mess, I know where some things are. Still have a little work space-good to go. ]

Your work space sounds like mine right about now. I finished my outdoor organizing project YAY! Now I need to get back to my studio and figure out what things to put in those drawers that I freed up after last month's purge. For some reason I have a hard time deciding what needs to stay out all the time, and what can be put away. It's like I'm worried that if I put things away I'll forget about them-- that out-of-sight-out-of-mind thing. Anyone else have that problem?????

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