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Old 04-06-2008, 10:57 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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great looking neighborhood you built there, judee. if i'm not mistaken, it's a pattern you can get free from the hgtv website. it was a block of the month series in 2002. it started here:,1789,HGTV_3303_1394939,00.html

in this next example, i used an "open" zig zag stitch. it's a good stitch to start with because it's a lot easier to pick out than satinstitching. once you're comfortable with the process you can use whichever stitch you like best.

in this photo, i want you to notice the way the stitches are wider in places, and bunched up in places. that's because i got impatient. i didn't let the machine pull the material under the needle. i pushed or pulled.

also, i tried to sew too quickly.

sew at a slow to medium speed. use your hands only to move the fabric gently to the left or right as you go around curves. do NOT use them to push or pull the project under the needles. you may need to stop once in a while, raise your presser foot, and reposition the piece as you go around curves. that does NOT mean you don't know what you're doing. it's often necessary. :wink:
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