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Old 02-07-2010, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by cjomomma
While I was in wolly world yesterday shopping fabrics, a lady was telling me that she has so much fabric that her husband purchased 2 45' trailers (the ones that semi's pull an call vans) for her to put her stash in. One is already packed full an she is getting ready to start on the other. She was buying a bunch more for her stash.
So my question is when is enough enough?
Not that I wouldn't mind having a large stash close to that. But when do you say to yourself too stop buying?
Please let me know your opinions on this topic.
I would say that is hoarding...I have a distance sister in law that has a 4 bedrm house full and over flowing w/ fabric-its so bad she won't let anyone in anymore. I love shopping for fabric as much as the next person but I do try to stay in control-yes somedays it takes alot of control. I realized along time ago I have a very addictive personality and I also know hoarding is a disease. I am watching the show Hoaders as I am typing this...very sad.
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