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Old 06-21-2017, 05:06 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default Durability of a Tied Quilt

I love tieing a quilt, versus having to quilt the whole thing by machine. (I don't ever go with hand quilting.) I've done several tied quilts over the years. Unfortunately, I am now having to repair a few. The seams are fraying here and there. It's not hard work to repair them, but I think that this problem would not have happened if the quilts had been quilted instead of tied. The tied quilt top is allowed to move around a bit more, expecially when washing it. The next time that I make a tied quilt, I'll plan ahead and take a slightly wider seam allowance and perhaps not make a tied quilt that has a lot of diagonals. Any other suggestions?

~ C
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