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Old 07-12-2017, 10:22 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

Oh Zo, I know the feeling...had to clean out one of my rooms at the last minute last weekend...I was able to put things where they belonged, but left the quilt hanging on the design wall. This week end another overnight guest so room is ready...yeah...then last week of July a party of 5 and I will need both bedrooms and the Gkids' small playroom with the futon, which means I will have to work on bedroom#2 and over see the grands' "cleaning" Honestly less work if I do it myself, but they have to learn too. The 15 minute timer sounds like a great idea, ADD sets it's own timer..and I'd rather be sewing! You can do it!!!

Today had a great day with my Quilt Buddy. We each have gone through scraps to make a quilt using alternating 3 1/2" squares and 3 strip rail fence blocks. She's using country colors and I'm using brights...we've shared fabrics in each. We are in the sewing stage so sat all afternoon mindlessly sewing the rail fences and caught up on each others lives without having to think about what we were doing. The afternoon flew!
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