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Old 07-14-2017, 07:59 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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Thanks again, everyone! And any input is good

My mom is a seamstress, quilter, baby blanket maker, "mom I need x for school" miracle worker, wedding dress maker, sock knitter, etc. She started working at Joann Fabrics about a month before my son was born, she really does live/breathe a crafty life. I always enjoyed crafty things, but not sewing, knitting, or crochet, all of which she wanted us to learn growing up. When I told her last year that I wanted to learn to sew and quilt, she was so happy. People she works with told me that she was really excited that I was finally ready to learn.

My dad discovered cooking late in life. He can appreciate all the work that goes into this, as he's been around my mom for 50+ years. Also because he tried to do needlework once (he wanted to keep his hands busy while watching tv), but he just couldn't do it.

This quilt has been So. Much. Work. Especially for a beginner like me! I've learned to paper piece, applique, and even design my own blocks on this quilt. It will have all my beginner-mistakes as well as a lot of wins.

I'll have to see if some of the ladies in my quilt group will hold up the completed top for me on Monday so that I can get a good angle.

I did decide to add one more small border to the top and bottom so I don't risk losing part of the spool block. If it frays or gets trimmed at all, I'm going to be covering up part of the spools. So, just a little more and the top is done.
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