Thread: Meals to freeze
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Old 07-16-2017, 08:43 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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I use canned tomatoes, make spaghetti sauce in bulk and put it in freezer bags. I buy hamburger when it's on sale, bake lots of meatballs and freeze them separately. I make chili, split pea soup, meatloaf, pork BBQ and hot dog chili. You can cook a whole box of spaghetti, divide it out into individual portions and freeze. I nuke it in the microwave with no added water and it tastes like you just cooked it. When the freezer is almost empty I usually spend two or three (long) days in the kitchen cooking and portioning things out to refill. This keeps us from eating out which is to expensive and I don't really like fast food anyway.
I've found if I use freezer bags, fill them, lay them on a cookie sheet to freeze I get more in my freezer. The one thing I had to learn the hard way was to write what's in the bag and date
If you want me to scan and send you my recipes just PM me.
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