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Old 02-08-2010, 05:18 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 109

Hi Folks, Here's another twist on the topic "do fabrics ever talk to you?" I was helping clear out a dear friend's sewing roo, and my husband and I were carrying out boxes of old papers, magazines, and other odds and ends. I asked my friend if she had checked through all of this before discarding it. She replied that she had. It turns out that she had not checked all the boxes, because from within one huge cardboard box I heard a small voice crying out "help me!" I freaked out but I started to sift through the top layers of papers and magazines when I discovered almost 300 (yes that's right!) hand sewn squares of Sunbonnet Sue, Amish Dahlias, crazy quilt squares and others. All were sewn using fabrics from the 1940's and 1950's. I couldn't believe how close these treasures had come to being taken to the dump. I was so distraught that I asked my friend had she forgotten them? She said yes she had forgotten and here's the part that almost made me weep; all of these squares had been sewn by her late mother. My friend wanted me to have these squares knowing how much I love these old treasures, but I could not do that. She asked if I would see that they be given to the ladies in my small quilt group and that is exactly what I did. I kept 24 so that I could make a quilt top of Sunbonnet Sue for my own memories, and the rest I gave to those ladies who knew my friend's mother. More poignant memories...for all of us.
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