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Old 07-24-2017, 09:22 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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Getting close to the end!


More frog fabric for mom.

A policeman for dad. He became a policeman in the 70s, before I was born, and then sheriff when I was 5. There were some scary memories from that, but some funny ones too.

One Christmas Eve, they got called because there was an accident. Santa had been hit by a car. One of the firemen (not sure if he was chief at the time, or if that came later), would dress up as Santa every year and visit houses. The usual "payment" was a bottle of whiskey left on the porch. My parents never paid him with whiskey (non-drinkers), but he would still come to our house every year. Anyway, somehow this lady had ran a stop sign and ran straight into his pickup. When my dad arrived on the scene, her child (around 5 or 6), was sitting on the sidewalk just bawling that "Mommy hit Santa Clause!" The fireman was a good sport about it all though, reassured the kid he would come visit that night and leave gifts in the stocking, and was able to drive away. Poor kid, and mom, were a bit shaken though!

My dad also would dress as Santa later and visit families. He visited one of my mom's close friends one year. She opened the door, and there was Santa. He asked if he could see the kids, knew the names of the boys, etc. So, she let him in, having no clue it was my dad! They got a photo of the kids with Santa, and he left, with her still not knowing who it was. Turns out, it was a mystery for her for over 20 years! Somehow the mysterious Santa visit came up in conversation, and my parents told her it was my dad. Now in his 70s, he looks very Santa-ish and kids will see him in the store and get excited that they found Santa, even in summer.


This is a butterfly I pieced. It bled a little bit already, but I'm hoping some color catchers will fix the worst of it.


A pine tree. Even though dad is allergic, we had to have a "real Christmas tree" every year. They both enjoy trees and peaceful times in the forest.


Halloween. This is one of my mom's favorite holidays. She would usually stay home and pass out candy, while dad took us around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat. No matter what kind of costume we wanted, she could whip it up. Some years we'd spring something on her last minute, but she really is amazing at the crafty stuff. Clowns, Generals, Ghosts, Scarecrows... you name it, she'd make it. My son is the only grandchild in town, and he has benefited from her costume skills as well. Not just for Halloween, but when he would need a costume for a play. Need tights to be King Midas? Gramma will make them. Need to look like an old man, go get some clothes from Gramma's house...

I remember one time when I was young, she was babysitting a girl a year younger than me. Using paper plates, she drew up some skeletons and we cut them out and put them together with brads, allowing all the joints to move.
Attached Thumbnails frog-policeman-cocoa-santa-border.jpg   butterfly.jpg   pine-tree-edited.jpg   halloween.jpg  
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