Thread: Quilting Wall
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Old 02-09-2010, 04:26 AM
Bottle Blonde
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My design wall is made from a 4 x 8 sheet of styrofoam insulation that came from Home Depot - it cost about $10. One end is covered with white fleece - the other with black fleece - I use black to audition pastel colors - white seems to suck the color right out of pastel fabrics.

I have a long wall in my sewing room, but if I needed to I could cut this sheet in half and have 2 small design walls.

The fabric sticks to the fleece without needing to pin. If I do pin - pins slide in & out of the styrofoam with ease.

So - - no need to purchase a design wall - just look around the local hardware store and your creative mind with figure out the best materials to use to fit your needs. :)
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