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Old 08-09-2017, 03:26 AM
ube quilting
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Originally Posted by Annaquilts View Post
do you place a pattern with fabric and store it away, or ordered just because it's so pretty??

Yes, this!
When I finally choose fabric and pattern I put a copy of the pattern and fabric in a small wash basket, you can usually get them at dollar stores or big box discount stores. These little baskets are cheap and invaluable for organizing. I don't like putting fabric in plastic bags. It is too easy for any one to toss it and you can't see what is in them.

Another way I keep fabric and pattern together is to use the selvage ribbon or left over binding strips to tie them together in a pretty bundle and keep them right on a shelf in the stash. I can see the pretty fabric and know just how many projects I have lined up.
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