Thread: FMQ quilt drag
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Old 08-31-2017, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by grandma7 View Post
.............I had my right shoulder replaced about 8 weeks ago and am in PT. I can feel it the next day after I've been pushing and pulling the quilt through the throat of the machine..............
My shoulders can bother me, and I don;t have a replacement.
So be careful you do undo your new shoulder with all of this activity.

As a hint ... I find that when I am FMQing, I like to sit higher than when I am piecing.
It seems to help my shoulders and back from tensing and stressing as much.
A good adjustable chair is worth its money..... for me I use a draftsman's chair, where the lowest is the highest of a typical stenographer's chair. The higher positions work good when I want to sit up to my cutting table and work. And in between is where I go for FMQing. Yes, I feel like Goldilocks ..... just right!

Good Luck!
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