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Old 09-09-2017, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by lainealex View Post
I have been doing all kinds of experiments today.

There is a clear difference in the fabric thread count: the lower the count the more bearding I see.

Other than that, it's a bit hard to see what is going on.

I have the Pellon wool and this stuff is a nightmare! Rubbing it even a little onto cotton causes massive amounts of wool to slough off. My black pants got wool all over them. I would never use this stuff now. The Dream wool does not come off like this onto my black pants and only somewhat when I rub it onto cotton.

I do see a possible difference between the two sides of the Dream Wool - one seems more bound and the other seems more friable. But I'm not sure!

Can anyone confirm that the Dream Wool has two sides that are different? If it does this could make a big difference.


I had the same experience with Pellon cotton batting - it shed and was all over the place.
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