Old 09-17-2017, 06:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 187
Default Sewcraft Generic Machine Straight Stitch Issue

I have my grandmother's Sewcraft sewing machine that was sold through a local store sew/vac in the 70's. My mom and I had one like it that I learned to sew on as well. They were also in the classrooms at school. They were heavy duty and had a dial to go from straight stitch to zig jag and buttonholes.

My issue is that when I dial it to straight stich it gives me a narrow zig zag. I've taken off the cover to view all the gears and cleaned it all thoroughly and reoiled it. I can't determine what I should really be looking for to keep it at a straight stitch. I've gone to You Tube and searched for videos and Googled but I haven't had much luck because I probably am not entering the correct search information.

Has anyone experience this on their machines and how did you solve it?
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