Old 04-09-2008, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 57

Deb G - That's an idea...I will really give that some thought. That's how they tend to do it up at the local quilt shop, and I can really see some advantages to doing it that way. Lol* You can be my first student sure! Lol* I think I'm going to give it a test run on my Mom. She's a sewer, but not so much a quilter, so she could maybe tell me if there's anything I could do to make it easier for her. Thanks for the advice! :)

Brenda - Oh I TOTALLY understand what you mean. I took a class once, and the woman was basically volunteering her time so I couldn't complain, but it was really difficult because we all had to gather around one of her books. She asked only for a $3 donation that went to support our local library, so, I understand why she did it that way. I will be sure to print off patterns for everyone to have. Thanks for bringing that up! I'm going to start a little notebook of all these great ideas! :)
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