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Old 10-24-2017, 03:35 PM
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Location: Mount Pleasant, WI
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This is why I have a lot of different projects going on at one time. I am new to quilting, just started this spring, but I been involved in the fiber arts for years. Right now I have lace curtain fabric on one loom, yardage for a shirt on another, a partial tapestry woven on the big tapestry loom, a wool pick-up band on the floor inkle, a leash on the core braiding stand, another band on the high stand, 2 or 3 partial sewn items, plus a couple of quilts to finish. It sounds like a lot of half-done projects, but my interests seem to change with my mood so I always have something fun to play with.

Learning a new technique or working in a different medium is what gets me going. Right now quilting has been a pretty big focus for me, but I sat at the loom a threw a few pirns worth of yarn on the curtains this morning and it was wonderful:-) I love having the variety and the toys to play on.
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