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Old 10-30-2017, 10:58 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Southwest
Posts: 736

Rhonda K - thanks for the link of what you use. That puppy might do the trick! It looks small enough to tuck somewhere and large enough to hold what I need. I am always on the hunt for "organizers"! When I was working, I was always reusing someone's thrown-away office supplies! Now, I'm retired, so I have to hunt for stuff at home and thru the quilting board. I went thru some stuff Saturday night and realized I had set aside 4 of those plastic coffee containers thinking I'd use them for organization. Well, I have many in use, but just didn't see any need for these additional, today they went to the recycle bin!

We buy Folger's coffee, so have those containers all over the house. I use them:

- to put my medications in when we travel
- as mini-wastebaskets in the sewing room
- as a toilet plunger holder (line it with a grocery store sack)
- and lastly, my mother-in-law used them for sick children.....keep it by the bed so they can vomit into it
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