Old 11-10-2017, 07:42 PM
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think I have to be a drop-out--got home from taking church friend to her PT today at noon and DH announced he thought he was having a stroke. Handed him 2 aspirins while I called 911--ambulance there fast (but we are 50 mi. to hospital) and the EMTs encouraged that his only symptoms where drooping mouth and eye. Hospital did CT,MRI,carotid doppler scan, EKG, EEG and all 3 doc (ER, regular one & neurologist) feel that it's "just" Bell's Palsy--for which we are so gratefulbut due to his insulin dependency, high blood pressure, and other med issues, they kept overnight to observe. I came home to scramble to get DD helping to cancel DH writer's event tomorrow, coverage for the flooring installation scheduled for tomorrow and getting him picked up from hospital assuming they discharge as talked about--so only sewing I may get to is some G-ma's FG while waiting at hospital. Worth it to have him home (reasonably) healthy and no stroke.
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