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Old 11-17-2017, 07:34 AM
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I bought the JT 12" shapecut, and then found the stripology ruler on sale at a show and bought that. Rarely use the JT one now.

Long rulers - I have a second 36" olfa on the bed of the long arm for trimming quilts. Two of the three Omnigrid have been replaced with Creative Grids as they are ones I use a lot. My favs are the 8.5x24, 3.5 x 24 and 6.5x12.

Triangles and a few others - most of these I do use except the two omnigrid in the upper right corner. Never could figure out the markings, and now I have the Easy Angle and Companion Angle which are basically the same thing.

When I started making quilts I got in to using wedge rulers, so bought a bunch of them at different angles. The two Quick Circle rulers are rather new, and I just used the smaller one for the first time this weekend. This group is stored in a drawer because I don't use them very often.

Then the squares 20.5", 16.5", 12.5" and then 9.5" to 3.5" in inch increments. Then two for trimming specific patterns. I got the lower one because I was desperate for an 8.5" ruler after miss cutting a few crazy quilt blocks using my 9.5" ruler and that was all my LQS had. It's been replaced so I may never use it. Not sure why I have the one above it . . .

The lower right is a 5" square with marks at the 1/8". I though I'd like it more than I do.
The upper two are omingrids in sizes I use a lot, so I replaced them with Creative Grid rulers.

The one I use the most is probably the 3.5" square.

Last edited by Macybaby; 11-17-2017 at 07:38 AM.
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