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Old 11-18-2017, 02:16 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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Again, thank you, everyone, for the nice comments!

I still haven't been able to quilt it. Every time I have a few days off to get the sewing room set up (so I can get the frame up), something happens. I get called into work, my sink backs up (the last backup required me cutting the drain pipe and then repacking a joint to unclog it), etc.

So, I talked to my sister and came up with a gift plan...

We will be at my parent's for Thanksgiving, but we both are working either Christmas Eve or Christmas. So, I'm going to give them "gift part 1" after Thanksgiving dinner.

This way, my parents get to see it with both of us there (we wouldn't be there for them to open it on Christmas). I will be under less pressure to learn a new machine and have it all quilted before Christmas (I have two weeks off, but am on jury duty, so that may interfere as well). And, my mom will get to pick the backing (out of three wide fabrics I have).

I have found stencils for a drama comedy/tragedy mask set (to represent my son), airplanes (sister), sailboats (my brother and niece), dragonflies (me), and will have the time to draw my own or find more to represent everyone else in the family. For Christmas, "present part 2", I may try to do up a book with the stories I wrote here about each block. Then, when I finish it (hopefully very soon), they will get "present part 3", which will be the completed quilt.
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