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Old 11-24-2017, 02:40 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 25
Default Pinking Blade for Rotary Cutter???

Is there a secret to using this blade? It cost $14.95 for one(used a 50% off coupon). I'm trying to use up a lot of my stash making string quilts and I use a muslin base and wanted to pink the edges of the muslin because it frays so much, so I bought this blade. I found it wouldn't cut soft butter let alone a piece of fabric. I only wanted to cut thru 2 layers and the muslin is really thin but I struggled with each piece. I had to go back and forth at least 2 and more often 3 times before it would cut. I think I still have my receipt but I don't know if Joanne's will take it back now that I opened it. Has anyone ever used this blade and if there is a special way I would really like to know about it. Thanks BusyLizzie
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