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Old 12-03-2017, 04:24 AM
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Thanks for this thread and conversation. It made me giggle. I learned from an online site meant to help those of us with "messy" genes, to do the kitchen sink every night, no dishes left in it and sink washed and wiped down. Then to never leave the bathroom in the morning without cleaning it. A quick swish in the bowl, wipe the counter, mirror and sink makes the room ready for you and any guest that may come by. Using a shower squeegee helps a lot. Once I started this routine, I leaned by experience to keep the counters clear of stuff. What a HUGE difference it makes to keep cleaning simple. Now I should heed my own advise and clear the island in the kitchen. Too much stuff! That is another thing I learned. Eliminate stuff. If you don't have room for it on a shelf or behind a door then something needs to go. KISS is a wonderful and very freeing thing. Very few of the items I got rid of have I ever needed!
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