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Old 12-04-2017, 01:45 PM
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Hi Crispy, here are my answers:

1. Can you keep your sewing area clean and organized after you retire? Yes, but I make a mess every time I start a new project.
2. Can you put together Large blocks of time to quilt? Absolutely. I really think it depends on how important quilting is to you. For me it's a priority so other things slide.
3. Do you actually use up your stash and happily keep from spending retirement funds? I use my stash and just fill in with fabrics I need or can't live without. Also though,my husband is not retired.
4. Or, does your stash bore you and you keep right on shopping? I recently got rid of a lot of my stash that I knew I was never going to use. I gave it away. Love being able to see what I have and love now.
5. Are the floor-to-ceiling stacks of magazines being utilized like you intended? I got rid of my magazines and most of my books quite awhile ago. I just didn't look at them anymore- freed up a ton of space. But that's just me. I get more from Youtube, MSQC etc than books and mags
6. Are you able to take the classes, or go to the Sit and Sews like you planned? I haven't taken classes only because I haven't seen anything that interested me.
Now- having said all this, I don't have grandchildren yet. They would be a much greater priority of course but my kids are slow on this. Two are married, one is engaged

It sounds to me that you want to devote more time for quilting so make it happen!
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