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Old 12-05-2017, 03:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 680

I have been retired about 12 years and didn't start quilting/sewing until a couple of years into retirement. The first two years I had a part time job and no hobbies as such. Needed something to keep me out of trouble....little did I know LOL

Can you keep your sewing area clean and organized after you retire? If you aren't neat before retirement, you won't be especially neat after retirement. At least that has been my experience. I try but I have a little sign in my sewing room that reads: "you know that feeling you get when all your UFO;s are finished and your sewing room is neat and tidy....... me neither"
2. Can you put together Large blocks of time to quilt? I can put together large blocks, but I still have to cook, clean, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. I live alone but those chores still take my time. plus my 87 year old Mom lives next door and she is beginning to need a lot more attention. I also go to the gym 2-3 times a week. So I can stay strong, not fall down, and put on my clothes without leaning against something. Take care of your body! and you will be better off in so many ways.
3. Do you actually use up your stash and happily keep from spending retirement funds? When I first started quilting, I bought a lot of fabric mainly because it was; one on sale, or two I just liked it. Now I find that a lot of it does not coordinate very well and I have to buy more to put with it to put together a quilt. I suggest buying what you need for a quilt all at once and storing it together.
4. Or, does your stash bore you and you keep right on shopping? As I said, it doesn't bore me, I just find it hard to put pieces togeher. I buy basically backs and solids to make any quilt I want to make. Every once in a while I see something I simply must have but basically, I don't buy much fabric anymore.
5. Are the floor-to-ceiling stacks of magazines being utilized like you intended? Got rid of my magazines, again subscribed to about 3 or 4 in the beginning, saved them all and then found I didn't want to take the time to go back and look at them again.And they were taking up valuable real estate in my sewing room. Stopped all subscriptions, donated magazines to guild Quilt Show, and get my inspiration from the internet or guild activities.
6. Are you able to take the classes, or go to the Sit and Sews like you planned? I belong to two guilds and when they offer a class, I will take it if it appeals to me. I have several close friends and we just plan sewing days and get together at each other's homes and sew for that day, sometimes making individual project, sometimes we all make the same thing.
Retirement is the best thing ever. I wish you luck and much enjoyment in it. But remember, you worked a long time to get to this time in your life, don't let a hobby become a job.

Last edited by Murphy224; 12-05-2017 at 03:47 AM.
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