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Old 01-03-2018, 09:48 PM
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I took over the dtining room with my sewing, back 15 years ago when we were taking care of my elderly dad and I needed to be in a central place attend to him. I have since completely filled it with all my sewing stuff. We don't have guests to eat in there but just a couple times a year-- like Christmas and Thanksgiving... occasionally Easter. When the family came for Thanksgiving just over a month ago, it took me one whole day to put all the clutter elsewhere and tidy up the room for the family meal. The shelves of fabric were still there, just not all the clutter on the table. I am still looking for some things I so efficiently hid away back then! So, for me there's no quick fix. I can't change the room back into a dining room at a moment's notice, so I don't even try. I'd rather cram too many people around our kitchen table to eat, than to disturb my sewing in the dining room.
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