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Old 01-04-2018, 06:24 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
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Petpainter, Usually with the demos about the only savings you see is no shipping charges. But if they are eager to sell you may be able to wheel and deal with the dealer like asking for free delivery and setup installation (that is what I did).

Or maybe you can get them to throw in a few add ons like the Spectre LED light that wraps around the needlebar. I LOVE mine and it has a blacklight mode as well as regular light. My LA room does not have great lighting, it is ok but having this light makes all the difference because the light is positioned right where you need it most.

Other add ons that you might want them to "throw in" if they are wheeling and dealing, the hand crank to put on your rack to advance. I don't have them but others have absolutely raved about them

Casters so you can move your frame

My machine came with the bobbin winder, so make sure that is included as you will have no other way to wind bobbins. And most machines come with a starter pack (mine did and I bought a demo) that includes bobbins (usually about 5), a package of needles, a small cone of thread, little scissors, machine oil in a zip spout applicator bottle. So make sure you get all those goodies! Dealers may all be different but I would insist on some sort of starter.

Regarding LS, it really is worth it. You get more options for stitch length than you do with the regular one which is awesome for tight fill and small work. You will never get the one longer stitch when switching direction fast or going from a dead stop to go. There is a basting option which is fabulous (4 stitches per inch). If you plan on working from the front of the machine the touch screen is right there. With the regular SR it is at the back of the machine. I've only just got mine so I can't even tell you what all the options are as I have only done two quilts since upgrading but right out of the gate I saw a difference. I know it is a lot of money, I waffled over it for five years! So I do understand where you are coming from but now that I have it, I feel it was money well spent.

Also be prepared for a new addiction..... Thread! Oh my gosh, my thread addiction is now almost as bad as my fabric addiction. I keep it in check but I do have quite the assortment now and when I first got my LA I went nuts at the shows. All the vendors usually have specials. Filltec which makes Glide, usually attend the big shows and their booths always sell out fast. LOVE the magnaglide prewound bobbins and can't remember the last time I wound my own bobbin. But in the beginning I did and refused to pay the premium for prewounds. Now I won't consider anything but. LOL. And specialty threads. Love the specialty threads like Invisifil and metallics and the holographics. But that can all come in time.

Also so jealous you will be taking a class with Gina Perkes. She used to be a Gammil girl through and through. Now is she not only a reformed "Innovian" she is an Innova dealer! She is a very talented lady and does gorgeous work. I have one of her books and learned a lot from it.

Feel free to PM me any time.
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