Old 01-14-2018, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by themadpatter View Post
It's moments like this that the acting like a lady rules really cramp my communication. It works great for the engineer, and then works ok for me for a few minutes, and then it stops making stitches and starts skipping them, sometimes making none at all. I'm trying to use it for fmq on the T-shirt Quilt That May Never Be Finished. Yeah. Well, I got a Necchi supernova from SGW and after a little bit of cleaning and coaxing, it is running like the beauty it is. Sigh. Just love me some Necchi, can't help iy. I got it to be a transformer donor for my Mark II, but I'm going to try to finish the benighted quilt first.
Anyway, have any of you ever had this problem with a 301a?
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