Old 01-15-2018, 03:20 PM
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Default Ronald McDonald House quilts

I have just come across this inquiry about the quilts made for Ronald McDonald House quilts being sold. These quilts were made to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday and more than 1,000 quilts were made and given for families of sick children who spend some time at any of the Ronald McDonald House in Canada.

I was at a party the other night and one lady got excited when she found out I was a quilter. She told me she has a friend who has a really good job at the Ronald McDonald house in our city. She told me that her friend gave her one of the quilts made for the 150th birthday of Canada. I was shocked and told her those quilts were made for the families of the sick children. She didn't know what to say and came out with the quilt was raffled. I am at wits end as to what to do with this information. If I go to the director of the Ronald McDonald house in our city, it might be the lady who gave the quilt to her friend. Don't know where to go with this information. I think I will ask one of the ladies who quilted most of the quilts in our city if some of these quilts were raffled. Maybe she would do some inquiries.

Originally Posted by Extreme Quilter View Post
I donate quilts regularly and frequently to many charitable organizations and never thought I would be writing this.

I donated five quilts and three quilted storybooks to Ronald McDonald House in my neighborhood about three weeks ago. Prior to doing this, I contacted the director by e-mail to ask if they were interested, and she responded immediately to this e-mail and another e-mail setting up a delivery time. When I delivered the quilts and storybooks, the director was not in and the staffer who received these items bubbled with enthusiasm and gave me a receipt.

A few days later, I received an e-mail from an unknown person who said her daughter had "bought two quilts" from RMH that she thought were "so pretty." She wanted me to make one for her bed and asked me to call her. I wondered if she was a patient's mother, who her daughter was, and if my quilts were being sold rather than going directly to the ailing children.

I e-mailed the director asking for clarification. The director did not reply but forwarded my inquiry to the staffer who handled my donation. This staffer e-mailed me and asked for my home phone number to discuss "this little misunderstanding." Since I choose not to give out my phone number, I wrote back to her asking her to clarify by e-mail. She did not reply.

After a week, I e-mailed the director again with a "cc" to the staffer, asking for clarification and stating that the staffer did not reply to my inquiry. I was ignored again.

What would you think under these circumstances? That RMH makes it a practice to sell quilts for profit unbeknownst to the quilter? That they purposely mislead quilters to think their handiwork goes to the children? Why would they choose not to answer if they have nothing to hide?

Would you let the matter drop or would you contact national headquarters?

I feel hoodwinked and duped. Thanks for your input.
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