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Old 01-26-2018, 06:36 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by NZquilter View Post
I went to my favorite thrift store today and high up on a shelf was a pretty Centennial Featherweight, with a box of attachments too. I suddenly needed it... you know how it is! I asked if it was for sale. The man said "no". I asked if they would be willing to sell it and the lady said, "no, it's cute and pretty up there." Crumbs.... Its just going to collect dust that high up! Maybe if I go back in a couple of weeks and do some bargaining.... Does it frustrate you and make your heart ache that its doomed to a life on a high shelf? I wasn't sure if I was more mad or than sad.
Sorry that happened to you. Sounds like they want to keep the machine for themselves. I use to look on eBay and try to bid on Featherweights but had no luck. I was also apprehensive because you can't test out the machine when you buy it on line. Etsy sometimes has Featherweights and so do Craigs List but it's the same thing, you can't test it out. One day quite a few years ago, my husband and I were at a quilt shop and they were selling a Singer Featherweight Centennial and he surprised me and bought it for me! I love it! I got to try it out, etc. So maybe some day you'll come across one when you're not even trying to find one like we did.
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