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Old 02-03-2018, 09:55 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Originally Posted by wesing View Post
I belong to a small group of "Guy Quilters" and we sew for QOV. Our leader often gets fabric donated that we won't use for QOV, so he packages it up and gives it to us. This was in my package from the last giveaway. Does it have enough colors to be a Stack-n-Whack quilt? The vertical repeat is about 11 & 3/4, and I have a little more than 3.5 yards. That's all I can think of to do with it. BTW it's an Alexander Henry.
A simple way to determine if to do a stack n whack or one block wonder: stack n whack- count vertically how many birds and measure the distance between them, 13 1/2 inches. Your need 8 repeats. For one block wonder, you need 6 repeats. What will the motifs look like? Fold the fabric as if on the bolt, then fold a corner into a triangle. This gives a good idea of what your repeats will look like. Obtaining Bethany Reynolds book, is good advice. Please post a picture when you have cut/ or sewn the motifs.
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