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Old 02-10-2018, 04:09 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Location: valley springs,sd
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by Jaiade View Post
You have enough of the same hst's to use the magic 8 method. There are 8 blue/green hst's in the block and 16 blue/gold. This method is accurate and fast since you're working in multiples. Plus there is a formula for making any size hst. I made a top similar to yours called square pants and I made the hst's one at a time. I am still burned out on hst's. If I need more than 8 in a quilt, and most do, I use this method. For me it's the only way to go. I do the same for flying geese (no waste method).
Perhaps it is too early this a.m., (it's only 6am here) but I counted 12 blue/green hst's. I think you missed the center. This method would still work, because it would give you 4 extra hst's to put into the next square. And if you ended up with some extra after finishing the quilt, they would be ready to go for the next hst scrappy quilt that could be on your horizon to create! Perhaps after I have another cup of coffee, I will be more awake and discover that there are only 8 blue/green hst's after all!!!
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