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Old 02-13-2018, 07:16 AM
Jo Belmont
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Default Crayola Ultra Washable markers

Originally Posted by Austinite View Post
I know several people that use the Crayola Ultra Washable markers and have great success with them.
Ditto on the Crayola Ultra Washable markers. Not only do they work nicely, but they're relatively inexpensive and come in a variety of colors. I love 'em. Presently, I'm marking out a quite intricate quilting motif on plain, pure white and doing so without any trepidation. If it's a small item, I simply spray with a good mist of cold water and wipe the area. However, I do wash all my quilts when they're finally bound, usually in cold water, and then warm dry and fluff. I've never had a problem and finally got rid of my drawer full of items that didn't really work.

You'll love them.
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