Thread: Securing ends.
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Old 02-17-2018, 03:41 PM
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Default Securing ends.

I'm about to start quilting a pattern (walking foot) that requires a gazillion, gazillion arcs, each one being started and finished at a point in the quilt body......not "off the edge". So I need a method for securing all my start stop ends that isn't going to drive me to despair! I have done a search on previous posts and it seems that many of you secure your ends by simply doing a few stitches at length "0" at the beginning and the end and then just snipping the threads. This appeals to me as being a lot quicker than pulling my thread through, knotting and then burying the ends for each arc. Would this method survive on a quilt that is going to be used as a throw quilt and therefore pummeled about a bit?
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