Thread: sew clean
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Old 02-18-2018, 04:06 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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Rubbing alcohol will usually remove permanent marker, such as Sharpie and ballpoint from hard surfaces. It will usually lighten marks of that type from fabric, or maybe if you are very determined and persistent, it might actually get it out. I was able to remove ballpoint ink from the sleeve of a blouse one time, but it wasn't easy. Some people recommend hairspray, but it's just the rubbing alcohol in the hairspray that's doing the job. If I had to guess what is in the Sew Clean, that would probably be it, and they probably added some nice scent and a handy dispenser and are charge a whole lot more than you'd pay for rubbing alcohol. The main question I have is why there would be any problem removing the types of marks that we are likely to make on our fabrics. We just need to test it on a scrap and throw it out if it doesn't disappear as it's supposed to. That said, mistakes do happen, such as absent-mindedly grabbing the ballpoint pen that was sitting right next to the fabric marker. I had a friend who one time put her dog's skin fungus drops in her eye and her prescription eye drops on the dog! The little containers were nearly identical and the print was too small for someone with her eye condition to read. There were no dire consequences, but it was a scary situation. If this sounds like something you might do, it wouldn't hurt to keep this product or rubbing alcohol handy. Any stain is easier to treat while fresh.
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