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Old 02-14-2010, 04:42 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by QuiltingGrannie
My DH proposed to me on Valentine's Day in 2005. We married in May 2005 BUT here's the story very brief --- sort of

Met in 1978 (both married to other people and doing fine)

I got divorced in 1985 and moved out of town

He divorced in 1986 and moved

We remet in the new town in 1987

Married each other in 1994 after being together since 1988

WE divorced in 2000. And he moved out of state.(And we each married other people --- which didn't last)

WE got BACK together in 2004


REMARRIED in 2005! On the same day in May as our first wedding!
Mousie: quiltingGrannie, that's some story/history, lol.
Good for you both, that you figured out how to be together.
I always say, most ppl don't divorce bc of lack of love, but bc of lack of how to negotiate. :XD:

Moonpi, I want to know how you know, you were conceived on Valentine's Day??? lol! :-D
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