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Old 03-06-2018, 11:41 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown was a fantastic read for a view of history and inspiration that the seeming impossible is possible. I learned more about rowing than I'll ever need to know but it did provide insight to the past and present.

I, too, have been reading about Holocaust, survivors and those left behind. A book I found most interesting was written by German journalist Bernt Engelmann telling the story from the German point of view of living under Hitler ..... In Hitler's Germany, Daily Life in the Third Reich. He quietly defied the Third Reich while living among those who came under its spell.

I like my book group because it has broadened my reading spectrum. I've read, researched and discussed books that I would never have picked up if it had not been for them. I've been places in books that I would never be able to see and virtually done things way out of my box .... reading makes life much more enjoyable.

You'll have made some good suggestions to add to my future reading lists .... thank you!
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