Old 03-08-2018, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by SewingSenior View Post
I have made about 25 quilts and gifted them to my kids, grandkids, and kids that feel like my own but are not. I love making them and giving them away. But I have not gifted any of them to a cousin. One of my cousins has been begging me to make her a quilt, which I would be happy to do If she were the only cousin I had. The problem is I have lots of cousins, many of which I am much closer to than this one.
My question to all of you is. Do I make her a quilt and hope that the others don't get their feelings hurt, or do I set out on a quest to make them all a quilt (not a real good choice), or do I tell her straight out that I can't make her one without making the others one (which will probably hurt her feelings)? What would you do in this situation?
I have another comment to make: I have four granddaughers. That's it.
I am a worry wart of sorts.
Whenever I am working on one project, for an individual, all I can think about is,
what are the others gonna think?
Then one day I was tired of all this, bc it was keeping me from getting on with
projects, (procrastinating and not making anybody, anything), so I told one of
them's mom, "I'm working on something for so and so. If x comments, tell her
that these things take time and Nana can only work for so long without getting
tired. She'll get around to yours eventually.
There is nothing wrong with letting this cousin know that these quilts are not
just "whipped up". Personally, I'm back to my panel suggestion. Your other
cousins should not be hurt. Make a list of "possibles". Let's face it, we're not
going to be able to make everybody we know a quilt and ourselves too.
Not gonna happen.
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