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Old 03-08-2018, 12:02 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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I know what you mean, Teen. We’ve been in this house for 25 years and thethought of trying to pack up everything for a move is daunting!

yesterday I found more dvds and started another box to sell to the on-line folks. Today was a barn day and we just got back whipped from the cold wind, I may find some more things to put in that box this evening after a bit of a rest. It’s getting pretty exciting to be able to see some surfaces in my office/sewing studio/guest bedroom.

Something that may be of use to others here: I read through several organizing and decluttering blogs recently and one of them kept saying that the first thing you should do when decluttering a space is to Take Out The Trash. At first I thought “what trash?” Then I looked around and realized that in fact a lot of the visual clutter in my studio spaces Is trash or recyclables like catalogs, magazines, broken stuff that may or may not be fixable,etc. So I’ve been “taking out the trash” every day when I look for one thing to donate or sell.

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